FBG Pressure Sensor (P/N: ALPT01)

Alxenses’s pressure sensor ALPT01 is designed to measure fluid pressure or levels. There are double FBG inside the stainless steel housing. One FBG is used to measure the pressure. Simultaneously, as temperature compensation, another FBG is used to monitor the temperature. The sensor can be equipped with a special kit of thread which can connect with different interfaces.


  • Long-term reliability
  • High accuracy and resolution
  • Wide measuring range
  • Rugged stainless steel construction
  • Measurements of pressure and temperature Simultaneously

FBG Pressure Sensor Specifications

Pressure Sensor with temperature compensation


Parameters Values Units DataSheet
Center Wavelength 1510 ~ 1590 nm
Pressure Measurement Range 0 ~ 6 MPa
Pressure Accuracy 1% --
Temperature Resolution 0.1 °C
Temperature Accuracy 1 °C
Temperature Range -10 ~ +150 °C
Housing Material SS316 --
Connector Type FC/APC --

Temperature Characteristics


Pressure Characteristics


*Alxenses Company Limited reserves the right to make changes to the products described herein without notice.

For FBG and Sensor enquiry, please email to contact@alxenses.com