FBG Accelerometer (P/N: ALAL01)

Alxenses' FBG accelerometer ALAL01 is designed for buildings and civil infrastructures. The accelerometer has a high sensitivity in low frequency range to cover the most important frequency components of the structural response, typically about 50Hz.


  • Robust and reliability
  • High sensitivity
  • Long lifetime

FBG Accelerometer Specifications

FBG Accelerometer


Parameters Values Units DataSheet
Center Wavelength 1510 ~ 1590 nm
Pressure Range 0 ~ 3 ms-2
Accuracy 1% F.S. --
Sensitivity 250 ~ 500 pm/ms-2
Operating Temperature -30 ~ +80 °C
Dimension 72 x 54 x 37.5 mm
Connector FC/APC --
Pigtail 3mm Armoured cable --

Test Result


*Alxenses Company Limited reserves the right to make changes to the products described herein without notice.

For FBG and Sensor enquiry, please email to contact@alxenses.com