Short-Length FBG

Alxenses’s short-length FBG is fabricated based on advanced FBG fabrication technique and production facilities. The Bragg wavelength and length of the FBG can be controlled precisely while maintaining high reflectivity and side-lobe suppression ratio.

The standard length of short-length FBG is 3mm and can be customized to various lengths upon request. The short-length FBG allows smaller form-factor housing to be used for FBG packaging that is necessary when sensor size is a concern. Short-length FBG is suitable for building small sensors for temperature and strain measurements and compact sensor arrays for distributed monitoring applications.


  • Short length
  • Low insertion loss
  • Multiplexing of FBG sensors in single fiber


  • Small form-factor sensor packaging


In general, the bandwidth becomes wider when the length of FBG gets shorter.

Short-Length FBG Specifications

    Short-Length FBG (Fiber Gragg Grating)
    Parameters Values Units Data Sheet
    Center Wavelength 1510~1590 nm
    Type of FBG Apodized --
    Wavelength Tolerance +/-0.5 nm
    Bandwidth at -3dB <1.1 <0.8 < 0.7 nm
    FBG length 1 2 3 mm
    Reflectivity >50% >60% >70% --
    Side Lobe Suppress Ratio (SLSR) >8 >10 >12 dB
    Recoating Acrylate or Polyimide --
    Fiber Type SMF-28 or Polyimide Fiber --
    Fiber Termination Bare Fiber, FC/UPC or FC/APC --
    Pigtail Length 1 (Customized) m

FBG Ordering Code

Single FBG - Part Number

AL - (1) S - (2) A / P - FBG - (3) XXXX - (4) NC

(1) Product Type (2) Coating Material (3) Center Wavelength (4) Connector

S: Single FBG

A: Acrylate

P: Polyimide

1510~1590 nm NC: no connector

*Alxenses Company Limited reserves the right to make changes to the Short Length FBG products without notice.

For FBG and Sensor enquiry, please email to