FBG Temperature Sensor (P/N: ALTS01)

Alxenses's ALTS01 FBG Temperature sensors measure the temperature making use of the inherent feature of heat-sensitivity of FBG. It is suitable for long time temperature monitor in the applications for bridges, tunnuls, railway and oil gas.


  • Fast response
  • High stability and reliability
  • Easy connection and effective lattice network for multi-point measurement.

FBG Temperature Sensor Specifications

FBG Temperature Sensor


Parameters Values Units DataSheet
Wavelength range 1510~1590 nm
Temperature Resolution 0.1 or 0.04 °C
Temperature Accuracy 1 or 0.4 °C
Temperature Range -10~80 °C
Cable Type Ф3 or armored cable mm
Cable Length customized mm
Connector Type FC/APC or customized --
Dimension 100×Ф8 mm

*Alxenses Company Limited reserves the right to make changes to the products described herein without notice.

For FBG and Sensor enquiry, please email to contact@alxenses.com